All tennis courts were closed in April and May so I took tha chance to discover my running skills. Sure, at the beginning 5 kilometers were already a big challenge, especially for a tennis player.

But after three to four times training, I got used to the distance. Me and the 5km are best friends now 😉

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Especially in these special Corona times, my need to my myself was big. Just sitting in the home office is not the way I wanted spent my days in quarantine.

What motivates me? This is easy to say: to become faster and faster. To run my personal best.

I would have less motivation if I had to run a longer distance. Especially the 5k are a perfect distance for all running beginners and especially for tennis players. After an initial 5:40 min per kilometer I try to run under 4:45 min. This encourages and is an absolutely suitable speed for me.

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Of course, I set up my personal goal and I would like to run under 20 minutes over 5k.

Currently courts are open again in München and I am happy that I have moved myself during that special Corona time. Without my weekly 5k runs, the way back on clay would be harder and the first sessions would be extremely exhausting.

My advice: Start running and have fun on a 5k track. It’s worth it for all of us 😉

I am #inlovewithrunning
